Thursday, June 24, 2010

Obligatory Introduction

I’m absolutely awful at introductions, but I figure I’ve been procrastinating long enough and I should just get this out of the way.

Hello, everyone! (Although, at this moment “everyone” consists of just the one: my mom. Hi!) My name is Jennifer. I’m fifteen years old and I’m an upcoming sophomore in high school. On my breaks from homework and studying, I’m always surfing the internet. Since I was little, I’ve been addicted to the internet - a very dangerous thing. However, it has opened so many doors: blogs, forums, communities, and endless information. This proved useful when I found great and still growing interest in crafts and fashion.

What I hope this blog will be is a record of how I’ve grown. I read all the other blogs and it seems like they have everything figured out: their life, their crafts, their style… I’ve barely begun learning. I want to improve my knitting and crochet technique. I’m planning to go to the thrift store for the first time. I’m learning how to sew. I’m slowly building up my closet and finding my style. I’m learning how to cook. I’m tinkering with my first DSLR. I’ve been dabbling in make-up.

Most of all, I want to be motivated. This is hard for me, because I always procrastinate and I’m an inherently lazy person. This blog post, written by the hilarious Allie Brosh, could not describe my life more. I’ll get inspired for a few days or weeks then slowly slide back into a couch potato. With my determination, an OCD schedule, my family’s support, and eventually, hopefully, yours, I hope to become motivated.

That said, I have some really fun things planned out. I have a ton of tutorials and DIYs saved in my favorites. I’m aiming to do at least one a week. As I spend a great fraction of my time online, I'll share cool links I come by. I’m also planning to share recipes, clothing hauls, my craft projects, and maybe some tutorials of my own.

So if you happen to come across my blog, I hope you like what you see and stick around!

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